Group Readings


Group Readings are reserved for in person sessions for groups of 4-7 people. Group Readings can be approached in various ways dependent on the hosts and guests preferences. We can take an individual approach or group approach. an individual approach is better for people who want more privacy during their reading. A group approach is great for people who are very comfortable with each other and don't mind having messages shared in front of others. I highly recommend an individual approach for those who are knew to mediumship and tarot. 

Group approach would begin with a meditation and continue into mediumship welcoming any loved ones who have a message to step forward. Connecting to loved ones or a specific loved one is never guaranteed, but is very likely. Following mediumship, I would continue with a three card tarot reading in combination with oracle advice and intuitive messages. We would close out the session with a group meditation. 

Individual approach would still begin with a group meditation and branch off into individual 20 minute readings beginning with a brief personal meditation between myself and the client that will lead into mediumship and a 3 card reading with oracle advice and a closing prayer. we would close out the entire session with a group meditation.

Before each session I will craft small intuitive gifts for each client to take home with them. This allows me to prepare for the sessions in an intentional way and is meaningful for the clients. I recommend that everyone brings a journal and pencil if they would like to document the session. it is important to sit with the messages received and integrate them so they can help you in a deeper way along your journey. 

amount of people per group 4-7